A one-day course for multi-union members of creative works who want a basic understanding of copyright, its usage and application in their respective fields.

Copyright for Creatives course
The course includes:
- what the Copyright Design and Patents Acts 1988 is and how it applies to creative works in the UK and elsewhere with legislation conventions, treaties and international agreements
- the scope of copyright coverage in creative works, including permitted uses of copyright, moral rights, enforcements of rights, protection and services, works for hire, infringements, plagiarism, confidentiality, breakouts and disclosures
- how copyright as Intellectual Property generates income streams: advances, fees, royalties as residual income, equity, estates, legacies and protection for copyright in trusts
- the role of copyright organisations in the collection and distribution of royalty sources
- First British Serial Rights, one use only, and other ways of allocating the use of your work by media, territory and time
- the current issues and challenges ahead for the future of copyright in digital media
- copyright in the ‘public domain’.
Who should attend
All writers, artists, songwriters, composers, playwrights, screenwriters, journalists, choreographers, photographers, publishers, agents, broadcasters and podcasters working in their various field of communication, media, arts, entertainment and music.
Qualifications needed to attend
No formal qualifications are required, but all those taking part should have some experience in producing the required creative work in their field whether published or unpublished.
Learning outcomes
An awareness of:
- the basic concept of copyright in everyday usage
- the scope of copyright in the world of creative works.
Ability to:
- apply the practical processes of copyright usage when creating solo, collaborating, or contracting in your given field of creative works.
*This course is not currently scheduled. However, if we receive sufficient demand in your area, we will set one up. Please email info@feutraining.org to express an interest, stating the course and your location.