Your super charged annual review

As I was completing my accounts the other day, it occurred to me that even though it feels like a chore, it was actually a really useful process. The gathering up of long forgotten transactions and faintly remembered income gave me a clear overview of my year. I...

Get on and blog

It used to be that everyone blogged and now it seems that everyone has moved on to Twitter and Facebook instead. Of course they have: blogging is more challenging. It needs exactly and precisely the skills and the talent that you use every day as a creative...

Stay creative and get more productive (1)

I LEARNT all sorts of methods at BBC News Online for being productive and I am naturally drawn to technology so I’d had ‘To Do’ apps anyway. But it was when a job was going really well that I started looking into productivity more deliberately. I thought I was being...

Marketing your work (2)

It is a fact of life that not everyone you approach will want your services. If, for example, you have an email list of 100 potential clients and send each one a short, punchy overview of your talents and experience, you would be very lucky to receive 20 replies, most...
Training Blog

Business skills training
for creative freelances