ONE OF the most common discussion I have at workshops with creative freelances is about how to not take rejection personally. This is a tricky question when you are effectively ‘the product’, so being turned down can feel very personal. However, learning not to take...
One of the biggest misapprehensions I come across when I run our ‘Tools for Goal Setting’ workshop is the belief that there are ‘goals’ people, and those who just bumble through. Yet there are many successful people who don’t see themselves as ‘goals’ focused....
NEW YEAR is an interesting time - both embraced and dreaded. Embraced as a celebration of new starts, opportunities and progress, dreaded as it marks the passing of time, reminding us of lost opportunities, youth and loved ones. And both perspectives are true for us...
AT THE END of a recent workshop on negotiation someone asked the question: “It’s all very good talking about negotiating new work but what about trying to increase your rate to an existing client?” The room fell silent as everyone thought, good question and this got...
STARTING a career as a creative freelance is always a challenge, but restarting can be just as tough. It’s not unusual for freelances to have a period of absence; maybe you’ve taken parental leave; or maybe you’re semi-retired and have decided to explore ways of...
“STICKS and stones can break my bones, but words can never harm me.” Does anyone still actually think this is true? In my experience words can cause a hurt deeper than any mere stick or stone (clubs and boulders not withstanding)! Words have the power to transform for...
IN SUCH a competitive environment, it’s vital to be proactive in getting your work under the right people’s noses and showing them why you’re the best person for the job. To help you do this, some direct sales techniques will help. Identify and target your ‘hot leads’...
IF YOU HAVE one or more goals that have been hanging around on your ‘to do’ list for ages, it’s time to think about why you’re procrastinating. Look at each goal and ask the following questions: Do I really want to achieve this goal? Perhaps your life and aspirations...