Success in a pandemic
There’s nothing like a world pandemic to shake up our assumptions and priorities! I’m pretty sure many of us used to feel quite confident about our career paths and definitions of success. But now all that doesn’t feel so straightforward anymore, when not just our...Keep your options open
For many of us at the moment, things are undoubtedly tough. And, as human beings, we have developed many ways to make it even tougher than it needs to be. For example, sometimes we catastrophise, taking a bad situation and imagining everything getting worse and worse...My mojo has locked down!
Usually, I have energy abound for my work and a passion for even the smallest things in life. However, in these strange times, I’ve sometimes felt dog-tired for no particular reason; long since forgotten aches and pains have crept back, slyly whispering ‘go to bed’...
Working from home with the family in tow
Many of us are used to working from home. We’ve probably got some sort of routine sorted out and various tricks we use to motivate ourselves. And, on those rare occasions when we are not feeling motivated, there isn’t usually anyone around to notice if we watch a...
Tempering lockdown anxiety
As the Covid-19 lock down loomed, I found myself listening to and watching blanket news coverage, thinking this would help me feel calmer. However, I gradually realised that my need to stay constantly informed while simultaneously trying to keep to my BC (before...
Flipping out?
For many of us, staying mentally strong through this scary time will be just as important as maintaining our physical health. While it’s advisable to recognise rather than suppress our fearful thoughts, it’s also helpful to find ways of making sure that our...Announcement – Venue based Workshop Suspension
Due to the continuing effects of the Coronavirus, we will be suspending our face-to-face training and events programme in the short-term.