Business skills training
for creative freelances

Networking events

Connect with industry peers

Finance for Freelances

Expert advice on money management

Creating videos on your phone

Build your online presence

Motivation matters

Overcome freelance challenges

Maximise your career potential

Business training for creative professionals

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Learning opportunities developed for you

Free Workshops

Due to the increasing effects of the Coronavirus, we are suspending our venue-based courses in March and April. Further information available here.

Free workshop for members based in England

To help you develop the key business skills that will help you survive and thrive in the creative industries, we’ve launched a series of FREE one-day workshops throughout England. We also host easy to enrol webinars so you can learn online.

We’re adding more to the list every month so look out for updates from your unions and from FEU Training.

Follow us for updates

Body language – 25 Mar 2020, London

Getting your message across and making the right impression relies on both what you say and how you say it. In this one-day workshop, you will learn how thoughts, intentions and feelings are expressed through physical behaviours and how to ensure that the non-verbal messages you convey create the right impact.

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Dealing with setbacks – 20 Mar 2020, London

When the going gets tough, the tough get going. But how do they keep going? In this session, you’ll learn useful strategies to help you deal with setbacks in a constructive way so that you remain buoyant and keep moving forward to reach your creative goals.

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Speak up for yourself – 26 Feb, 2020, London

How much do you know about your voice and can you rely upon it in stressful situations? For example, if you need to present a pitch or introduce a piece of work does your voice let you down? Do you mumble, dry up, hyperventilate or otherwise panic? This session will help you identify and manage common problems and ensure that your voice helps rather than hinders your progress when under duress.

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Get motivated – 6 Mar 2020, London

Staying motivated is essential if you’re going to develop a successful freelance career. Whether you’re just starting out and trying to get your foot in the door or a seasoned professional who is aiming to maintain momentum, this one day workshop will help you get and stay motivated so that you realise your creative ambitions.

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