Welcome to the Digital Learning Centre

As busy freelances, we’re not always able to attend training courses or read technical manuals. So, at FEU Training we’re aiming to improve your access to learning through our Digital Learning Centre.

Learn online

Here, you’ll find a range of e-learning opportunities from downloads to video tutorials – presented in short, bite-sized pieces, so you can snack on knowledge whenever you have a spare 10 minutes.

In progress

Throughout this year, we’ll continue to add more facilities to the Centre including even more e-courses on a variety of business skills areas. We’ll keep you posted. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy your online learning experience.

Ecourses IconOnline Training

Free online interactive training courses to complete at your convenience.

Training Blog IconFEU Training Blog

Every month we will focus on a Hot Topic relevant to the business of being freelance working in the entertainment industries.

Information and Guidance IconInformation, Advice and Guidance

Browse and Bookmark a range of online resources and links for freelance members to create a personal resource kit.

Q and A's IconQuestions and Answers

We hold Q & A sessions as a follow up to many of our courses and workshops. Everyone can share the most frequently asked questions and answers here.

Quick Tips IconQuickTips

A variety of downloadable bite-sized tips and hints to help boost your business skills.

WordPressWordPress Tutorial Series

A range of HD quality videos we’ve sourced that you can work through from beginning to end or dip in to whenever you want.

Video Tutorials IconWebinars

Recording of our live webinars on key topics in support of creative freelances business strategies.

Digital Learning Centre

Business skills training
for creative freelances