by Micky Harris | 31 Mar, 2016 | Free Workshops
From convincing someone to commission your work to asking for better terms and conditions, this workshop will help you develop your communication skills so that you achieve better and more consistent results.
by Micky Harris | 16 Mar, 2016 | Free Workshops
Essential for every freelance, this workshop will help you improve your financial management from how to work out your tax to cash flow forecasting.
by Micky Harris | 10 Feb, 2016 | Free Workshops
How do you manage your goals to make sure you achieve the ones you really care about? How do you stay in touch with why they matter? And how do you know how effective the action you are taking is in helping to fulfill them?
by Micky Harris | 18 Jan, 2016 | Free Workshops
Essential for every freelance, this workshop will help you improve your financial management from how to work out your tax to cash flow forecasting.
by Micky Harris | 12 Jan, 2016 | Free Workshops
This workshop will help you explore how to use all the great skills and talents you have to diversify your career (often to support your core work), increase your choices, efficiency and your earning potential.
by Micky Harris | 17 Dec, 2015 | Free Workshops
Even the most positive, go-getting people sometimes experience a dip in confidence – especially when they’ve experienced a set back or are facing a particularly daunting challenge. In this one-day workshop, we’ll help you develop and maintain confidence whatever the circumstance.
by Micky Harris | 17 Dec, 2015 | Free Workshops
Essential for every freelance, this workshop will help you improve your financial management from how to work out your tax to cash flow forecasting.
by Micky Harris | 6 Nov, 2015 | Free Workshops
Start the New Year with clear goals that will help you improve your creative performance and career success in the short and long term.