by Micky Harris | 18 Aug, 2016 | Free Workshops
Instagram is one of the fastest growing social media platforms and an effective platform for creative freelances who want to showcase their work to new/wider audiences. This workshop is ideally suited to beginners who want to learn more about and develop their skills to use this increasingly popular social networking app.
by Micky Harris | 18 Jul, 2016 | Free Workshops
Whether it’s fiction or non-fiction, this workshop will help you develop your book idea as well as write and get it published.
by Micky Harris | 13 Jul, 2016 | Free Workshops
Everybody tells you that you must have a website and you must have a blog but nobody tells you how – or why. In this workshop you will learn the key steps to creating your blog but, more importantly, what you can use one for and how it will become an important part of your creative work.
That’s true whether you’re a writer, journalist, musician or actor: you are already creating work that blogs can showcase and you will benefit from reaching audiences through a well constructed, targeted blog. This workshop will tell you how.
by Micky Harris | 13 Jul, 2016 | Free Workshops
This session examines popular strategies and tips that successful people use to achieve what they want in life with the aim of helping you to think about how you can learn from these to support your career progress and gain greater satisfaction from what you do.
by Micky Harris | 5 Jul, 2016 | Free Workshops
Getting your message across and making the right impression relies on both what you say and how you say it. In this one-day workshop, you will learn how thoughts, intentions and feelings are expressed through physical behaviours and how to ensure that the non-verbal messages you convey create the right impact.
by Micky Harris | 29 Jun, 2016 | Free Workshops
Staying motivated can be challenging at the best of times. But when you are a creative freelance working in such competitive industries, especially when you’ve hit a rough patch, it’s all too easy to plummet into a downward spiral. This one-day course will help you get and stay motivated in the long-term.
by Micky Harris | 17 Jun, 2016 | Free Workshops
Social media can be a powerful means of getting your message across and raise awareness of what you do. This one-day workshop will take you step-by-step through running a successful campaign.
by Micky Harris | 14 Jun, 2016 | Free Workshops
This one-day workshop quickly goes beyond the usual focus on search engines (though they are still covered) to understand the growing importance of social optimisation…creating stories and links that stand the best chance of being shared through social channels to build your online presence.