WEBINAR – Developing Resilience 11am, 28 June
In this webinar, we will share advice and techniques to enable you to develop your resilience in order to deal more effectively with the inevitable setbacks of a creative freelance career.
In this webinar, we will share advice and techniques to enable you to develop your resilience in order to deal more effectively with the inevitable setbacks of a creative freelance career.
Everybody tells you that you must have a website and you must have a blog but nobody tells you how – or why. In this workshop you will learn the key steps to creating your blog but, more importantly, what you can use one for and how it will become an important part of your creative work.
That’s true whether you’re a writer, journalist, musician or actor: you are already creating work that blogs can showcase and you will benefit from reaching audiences through a well constructed, targeted blog. This workshop will tell you how.
How much do you know about your voice and can you rely upon it in stressful situations? For example, if you need to present a pitch or introduce a piece of work does your voice let you down? Do you mumble, dry up, hyperventilate or otherwise panic? This session will help you identify and manage common problems and ensure that your voice helps rather than hinders your progress when under duress.
Whether it’s fiction or non-fiction, this workshop will help you develop your book idea as well as write and get it published.
Negotiation is an essential skill for a freelance to master. Whether you are negotiating day rates or defined packages of work, it’s important to learn to represent yourself clearly and effectively with the aim of agreeing terms that you and your client are happy with.
In this webinar, we will share tips and techniques to help you gain and maintain confidence through the vicissitudes of your freelance career.
Find out how to use data to run a more productive and profitable freelance business. This one-day workshop will teach you easy-to-use data analysis techniques to improve your freelance business, including better budgeting of both money and time, assessing risk and increasing income.
There are some big changes coming up in the way freelance professionals will deal with the tax office. This workshop aims to get you into the right financial habits before the changes come. We’ll also explain why there was such a row after the recent budget. Essential for every freelance, this workshop will help you improve your financial management from how to work out your tax to cash flow forecasting.