Communication Techniques – 9 Mar, London

Your ability to communicate effectively is a key factor in building the productive working relationships necessary to establish and maintain a successful freelance career. This workshop will help you understand different styles of communication and pick up new techniques so that you can more easily achieve the results that you’re aiming for.

Time Management – 28 Feb, Bristol

Juggling different pieces of work and completing each to deadline is a typical and often difficult challenge for most freelance professionals. This workshop will help you learn key strategies and skills for managing your time more efficiently and effectively.

5 Strategies for Success – 23 Feb, London

This session examines popular strategies and tips that successful people use to achieve what they want in life with the aim of helping you to think about how you can learn from these to support your career progress and gain greater satisfaction from what you do.

Blogging for Creative Freelances – 19 Feb, London

Everybody tells you that you must have a website and you must have a blog but nobody tells you how – or why. In this workshop you will learn the key steps to creating your blog but, more importantly, what you can use one for and how it will become an important part of your creative work.

That’s true whether you’re a writer, journalist, musician or actor: you are already creating work that blogs can showcase and you will benefit from reaching audiences through a well constructed, targeted blog. This workshop will tell you how.

Negotiation for Freelances – 18 Jan, London

Negotiation is an essential skill for a freelance to master. Whether you are negotiating day rates or defined packages of work, it’s important to learn to represent yourself clearly and effectively with the aim of agreeing terms that you and your client are happy with.

Build your Confidence – 11 Dec, London

Even the most positive, go-getting people sometimes experience a dip in confidence – especially when they’ve experienced a set back or are facing a particularly daunting challenge. In this one-day workshop, we’ll help you develop and maintain confidence whatever the circumstance.

Business skills training
for creative freelances