by Micky Harris | 24 Sep, 2019 | Free Workshops
Income can vary from month to month when you’re a creative freelance. So, in this workshop, we’ll show you how you can plan to have enough cash all year round and avoid the panic of running out of money at any given time.
by Micky Harris | 24 Sep, 2019 | Free Workshops
In this workshop we’ll look at how to source new clients, pitch your work and convince them that you’re the best person for the job and/or your idea is worth commissioning.
by Micky Harris | 30 Aug, 2019 | Free Workshops
Marketing has changed with the boom of the Internet, and now it’s even more important to understand the principles of marketing your work online. Read more and apply.
by Micky Harris | 30 Aug, 2019 | Free Workshops
This workshop will help you explore how to use all the great skills and talents you have to diversify your career (often to support your core work), increase your choices, efficiency and your earning potential.
by Micky Harris | 30 Aug, 2019 | Free Workshops
Your ability to communicate effectively is a key factor in building the productive working relationships necessary to establish and maintain a successful freelance career. This workshop will help you understand different styles of communication and pick up new techniques so that you can more easily achieve the results that you’re aiming for.
by Micky Harris | 28 Aug, 2019 | Free Workshops
Whether you’re pitching for new work or managing client relationships, the ability to communicate clearly is essential. This workshop will help you understand and practise the elements of how to successfully present your messages with the most impact to achieve the results that you’re aiming for.
by Micky Harris | 28 Aug, 2019 | Webinars
This webinar looks at the key factors necessary to ensure that your clients are satisfied, preferably delighted, with what you do so that they hire you on an on-going basis and recommend you to others.
by Micky Harris | 20 Aug, 2019 | Free Workshops
There are some big changes coming up in the way freelance professionals will deal with the tax office. This workshop aims to get you into the right financial habits before the changes come. Essential for every freelance, this workshop will help you improve your financial management from how to work out your tax to cash flow forecasting.