29 Sept, 11am - 12.30pm

Easy to enrol – learn from the comfort of your own computer or mobile!

Pandemic fallout means that many of us have been knocked off our career path, at least in the short term. This webinar aims to help you review your current situation with a mind to finding new areas and ways of working where necessary and to build for the future.

Enrol online via Zoom

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In this webinar, we’ll discuss key strategies that successful people use to turn aspirations into reality and examine how you can apply this in practice to achieve your creative goals including:

  • Exploring the definition of success
  • Short- and long-term development strategy within the current circumstances
  • Actions that count
  • Creating helpful habits.


  • The tutors will lead you through key themes and you can ask questions at any time in the chat box as well as send messages to the group or individuals.
  • You will have the option to be visible to others throughout the session but you can switch off your camera throughout or at any time.
  • You will get a chance to explore ideas within smaller breakout groups. However, you do not have to participate in these discussions but rather have a short break if you prefer.
  • We will round up the with a Q & A session in which you can be seen and heard if you so choose.

Who should enrol

Those who wish to work through our new reality with the aim of identifying and creating new opportunities with the short and long term in mind.

Tutors: Frances Dredge and Muriel McClymont

Business skills training
for creative freelances