11am – 12pm, 21 April 2020
This webinar will share ways to help you stay resilient in the current crisis and offer strategies to help you find your own way through so that you can start to find your new ‘normal’.
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The current crisis has brought major changes to most of our lives. Many of us may be worried about getting ill, are concerned about vulnerable relatives, have seen our work disappear for the months ahead, may be dealing with bored children at home - all while following rules on how we behave when we go out that we wouldn’t have thought possible just a few months ago.
When what we have always done suddenly no longer gets the expected results, this alone can be deeply unsettling. So how do we take stock and find new strategies to move forward and find the positive aspects of this situation? This is temporary, so how can we stay ‘match fit’?
The webinar will include:
- Getting your bearings in this new situation
- Taking care of yourself and others
- Strategies for managing anxiety
- Focusing on what you can do, rather than what you can’t
- Working out what works for you and taking steps in that direction.
Who should attend?
Anyone who would like to explore this topic with us so that they feel more able to cope.
Expected learning outcomes
- Approaches that work best for you when navigating the journey ahead
- Strategies and tools to use your creativity in new and resourceful ways.
The format
While you will be able to see and hear the tutors, you will not be visible or audible to them or each other. However, you will be able to ask questions, see the questions that others ask and make comments.
The format for this session is approximately 45 minutes of presentation-style teaching interspersed with questions and answers from participants. We will round up the with a Q & A session. Depending on how many questions are asked, the session will run for around an hour including questions.
Tutors: Frances Dredge and Muriel McClymont
Further enquiries
e: muriel@feutraining.org
t: 07710 240 585