Business skills training
for creative freelances

Free online workshop for members based in England


Date and time: 19 Jun, 10.30am to 4.15pm
Where: Online via Zoom

This online workshop will explore different elements of the Instagram app including Stories and video as well as demonstrating ways for you to get more creative.

Click below to register your details on Zoom

Please note that places on this Online Workshop are limited and you will only be notified by email if we can offer you a place. See notes below.

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Workshop Content

Instagram is one of the fastest growing social media platforms and can be an effective way for creative freelances to showcase their work to new/wider audiences.

The workshop includes:

  • An overview of Stories and its potential for creative storytelling
  • A guide to Instagram’s growing range of options that allow you to share content in a fun and engaging way
  • The chance to create a Story as part of the workshop
  • An introduction to sharing a longer form of video content on Instagram (IGTV), for clips over 60 seconds in length
  • A look at the different types of Instagram account options open to you (personal, creator and business)
  • An opportunity to hone ideas that will help you showcase your work more effectively.

Who should attend

This online workshop is ideally suited to those familiar with the basics of the app and who want to learn more about some of its newer features. Please do not apply if you’re a beginner as we will not be able to stop to help you learn the basics.

What equipment do I need?

To access the workshop (and online tools):

  • Laptop or desktop computer with reliable Wi-Fi connection
  • A mobile device (iPhone/iPad/Android/Tablet), with reliable Wi-Fi connection
  • Free account with Zoom (us), with free Zoom application downloaded to your computer.
  • You must already have an Instagram account and be familiar with the basics of it.
  • Download the free Instagram app onto your iOS or Android mobile device (

Pre-Workshop advice

  • Make sure that your mobile device is fully-charged
  • You must already have an Instagram account and be familiar with the basics.
  • You’ll need a quiet space to concentrate, so you may want to wear ear buds to block out background sound.
  • Do have at least one image readily available on your device that you would like to share using the app.

Tutor: Kate Willoughby


We will let you know promptly after the deadline if you have obtained a place. Unlike our webinars, we have a limited number of places for each online workshop. If you do not hear from us, please assume that you have not secured a place on this occasion.

Once you have confirmed that you can participate, we will send you the workshop link. If you do not confirm promptly, we will offer your place to someone else on the waiting list.

If you confirm your place but find that you are unable to participate, please let us know asap so that we can re-allocate your place to someone on the waiting list. If you do not let us know this will disadvantage another member. Also, we may lose the funds that enable us to provide these workshops to all members including you.

We may not be able to offer everyone a place on every workshop, but, if there is high demand, we will try to set up further workshops on this topic in the near future and those who did not get a place this time will be offered first refusal.

Further enquiries
t: 07710 240 585