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11am – 12.00pm, 15 May 2018

In this webinar, we will share tips and techniques to help you gain and maintain confidence through the vicissitudes of your freelance career.

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Even the most positive, go-getting people sometimes experience a dip in confidence – especially when they’ve had a set back or are facing a particularly daunting challenge. In this webinar, we’ll help you develop confidence and get back on track if your confidence has taken a knock. Topics covered include:

  • Defining characteristics of confident people
  • Planning to be more confident
  • Exploring strategies for developing confidence
  • Confidence booster tips

The format

While you will be able to see and hear the tutors, you will not be visible or audible to them or each other. Nobody will know if you’re eating toast! However, you will be able to ask questions, see the questions that others ask and make comments.

The format for this session is approximately 1hr of presentation-style teaching interspersed with questions and answers from participants. We will round up the with a Q & A session. Depending on how many questions are asked, the session may run longer than 1hr so please set aside 1hr 15mins if you want to stay to participate in the Q & A at the end.

Who should enrol

Creative freelances who wish to explore the subject of confidence and learn how to develop and sustain confidence whatever the circumstance.

Expected learning outcomes

  • An increased understanding of what confidence is
  • Strategies to achieve more confidence
  • Tips and tools for building confidence.

Tutors: France Dredge and Muriel McClymont

Further enquiries
e: muriel@feutraining.org
t: 07914 397243

Business skills training
for creative freelances