Easy to enrol – learn from the comfort of your own computer or mobile!
Managing your finances including keeping up with changing tax requirements is essential to your freelance work. In this webinar, we’ll take a look at how to define what kind of freelance you are, how tax and National Insurance work, what is meant by tax-deductible expenses and how VAT can affect you.
In this webinar we’ll cover the following:
- What it means to be a freelance professional
- How tax works
- How national insurance works
- How VAT works
- Q & A
Who should enrol
Members who are new to freelancing and those who need a reminder of what tax they need to pay, when, and how they go about working out this.
Learning outcomes
By the end of the webinar, you will have a better understanding of:
- What it means to work as a ‘freelance’
- How tax, NI and VAT work and how this applies to you.
The format
While you will be able to see and hear the tutors, you will not be visible or audible to them or each other. Nobody will know if you’re still in your PJ's! However, you will be able to ask questions, see the questions that others ask and make comments.
The format for this session is approximately 45 minutes of presentation-style teaching interspersed with questions and answers from participants. We will round up the with a Q & A session. Depending on how many questions are asked, the session will run for an hour including questions.
Tutors: David Thomas and Frances Dredge