Business skills training
for creative freelances

Free workshop for members

The date and time
10 Aug, 10.30-1pm

The venue

Guild House
Upper St Martin’s Lane

This session examines popular strategies and tips that successful people use to achieve what they want in life with the aim of helping you to think about how you can learn from these to support your career progress and gain greater satisfaction from what you do.

Apply online by 1 Aug

Workshop content

In this workshop, we’ll discuss key strategies that successful people use to turn aspirations into reality and examine how you can apply this in practice to achieve your creative goals including:

  • Exploring the definition of success
  • Long-term development strategy
  • Actions that count
  • Creating helpful habits
  • Learning from experience
  • Self-maintenance.

Expected outcomes

  • A clearer idea of what success means to you
  • Increased awareness of how people achieve their goals
  • A clearer understanding of how you can use your own experience and the experience of others to become more successful
  • Increased focus on what you want to achieve.

Who should attend

Those freelances who want to examine what they are doing now (and how they are doing it) and look at ways of maximising their career potential.


No formal qualifications are necessary, just a desire to gain awareness of techniques that support your career progress.

Tutor: Muriel McClymont

POLITE REQUEST: if you are successful in obtaining a place to this event and, due to unforeseen circumstances, you are unable to attend, please let us know ASAP because we may have others on the waiting list who we can allocate your place to. If you do not let us know this will disadvantage another member. Also, we may lose the funds that enable us to provide these events to all young members.

NOTE: if we were to postpone or cancel this event due to unforeseen circumstances (this is very unlikely and has not happened before), we will be unable to reimburse any costs such as pre-booked travel expenses. If this were to happen in the future, we will email and telephone you as soon as we know that there is a cancellation and attempt to re-schedule the session ASAP.

Apply online

To apply for a place on this free, one-day workshop, please fill in the short application form below. You will need to login or register if you have not done so already so have your Union number to hand. All events have been over-subscribed to date so successful applicants will be chosen randomly after the cut-off date. We will let you know if your application has been successful within a few days of this date.

Further enquiries
t: 07580 348726