Free workshop for members

The date and time: July 11, 10.30am to 4.30pm

The venue

Musicians' Union

60-62 Clapham Road

Uncertainty is one of the defining characteristics of working for yourself and this can play havoc with bank balances, stress levels and overall contentment.

But chaos is not necessarily a negative force. Unexpected phone calls, meetings and recommendations can revitalise your fortunes when you least expect it. This workshop aims to provide you with the skills and confidence that will help you thrive on the inevitable unpredictability of the freelance life.


Apply online by July 1st


Workshop Content

This workshop explains how chaos can manifest itself, and through examples and exercises, participants will learn how to embrace uncertainty by exploring new marketing techniques, taking a fresh look at financial management, and dealing with the hurdles and barriers that can hinder a freelance career. The workshop covers:

  • The nature of chaos – how it appears and how it works
  • Radical marketing – employing unusual marketing techniques to promote the unexpected
  • The finance of chaos – how tax bills, debt and poor cashflow can dampen your career aspirations
  • Hurdles and barriers – how to spot the difference between major obstacles (to be avoided) and minor obstacles (to overcome).

Who should attend?

This workshop is useful for people who are new to freelancing as well as valuable for more experienced freelances who wish to take a fresh look at how efficiently they are running their working lives.

Expected learning outcomes

  • A solid understanding of how chaos occurs
  • An appreciation of how to deal with unpredictability
  • How to establish and achieve realistic yet ambitious goals
  • The ability to apply radical marketing techniques
  • Knowledge of simple yet effective financial management.

Apply online by July 1

To apply for a place on this free, one-day workshop, fill in the short application form by July 1. You will need to register if you have not done so already.

All workshops have been over-subscribed to date so successful applicants will be chosen randomly after the cut-off date of July 1. We will let you know if your application has been successful by July 3.


Tutor: Gary James Merrill

Further enquiries
t: 07710 240585

Business skills training
for creative freelances