FREE One-day Workshop for Creative Freelances: London

Apply by Nov 7


  • The National Union of Journalists, 308-312 Gray’s Inn Rd, London WC1X 8DP


  • Nov 19, 2011
  • Arrive between 10.00-10.20am for registration
  • Sessions run from 10.30am to 4pm.


Apply Online


SESSION 1: 10.30am – 1.00pm


Whether through websites, business cards and/or other media, the way we present ourselves (our brand) to our clients and potential clients is important if we want to create a distinct, memorable and professional image.

However, you don’t have to spend a lot of money or be a creative genius to build your brand. This session includes:

  • What is branding and why it is important to individuals
  • Methods that you can use to build your brand
  • Basic design tips on how to make your brand consistent and contemporary
  • A look at what you’ve got now and how to improve it.

Tutor: David Woods, Creative Director, surgerycreations

SESSION 2: 2pm – 4.30pm


If you want to increase your web presence to raise awareness of who you are and what you do, blogging can be an effective way of getting seen and heard.

This session includes:

  • Why and how to market your work through blogging
  • Ensuring that your blog meets your objectives
  • Tips on gripping content creation, blogging platforms and building your blog audience.

Tutor: Miranda Gavin

NOTE: There will be a pre-course exercise posted as a discussion on the FEU Facebook page to allow the tutor to assess participants’ knowledge of, and familiarity with, using blogging software.

Apply By Nov 7

To apply for a place on this free, one-day workshop, click on the orange button on the top of this page and fill in the short application form by Nov 7. You will need to register on the site if you have not done so already so have your union membership number to hand.

All our workshops have been over-subscribed to date, so we will choose successful applicants randomly after the cut-off date and let you know if you have been successful in securing a place by Nov 7.


The National Union of Journalists, Equity, the Musicians’ Union and the Writers’ Guild are working together in this instance under the banner of ‘The Federation of Entertainment Unions’. This enables us to maximize resources to deliver skills development opportunities common to our multi-union members.

Our aim is to help the career progress of our freelance members through the recession and beyond by providing a range of free or low cost blended-learning opportunities.

It’s free to join the FEU Training website and there’s a variety of advice and information available to members.

More info:


T: 07914 937 243















Business skills training
for creative freelances